How To Choose A Coding Bootcamp In 2023? 10 Do's & 5 Dont's

how to choose a coding bootcamp in 2023
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How To Choose A Coding Bootcamp In 2023? 10 Do's & 5 Dont's

  • Avatar - Williams SmithWilliams Smith
  • Aug 05, 2023

Choosing a coding bootcamp in 2023 is still a significant decision, as the coding landscape evolves rapidly.

Here are ten do's and five don'ts to help you make an informed choice:


1. Research Extensively: Look for coding bootcamps that align with your goals, interests and financial options (not to forget). Investigate, Call them, check online forums, and seek opinions from alumni to gather insights (if any).

2. Check Curriculum and Technologies: Ensure the bootcamp teaches the latest programming languages and technologies that are relevant to your career aspirations. Current trend is Dotnet, Devops engineering, Java.

3. Accreditations Are Not Enough: Verify the bootcamp's accreditation and reputation. Considering only platforms like Course Report or SwitchUp for unbiased reviews is not enough. Request a Demo Session to see how coding bootcamps are held.

4. Job Placements: See if the boot camp offers career services and job placement support. Investigate the success rate of past graduates if any. 

5. Learning Format: Decide on the learning format that suits you best, whether it's in-person, online, part-time, or full-time. Consider your schedule and learning preferences.

6. Project-Based Learning: Look for a bootcamp that emphasizes hands-on, project-based learning, as it provides valuable real-world experience. 

7. Instructors' Quality: Check the qualifications and experience of the instructors. Experienced professionals can enhance your learning experience significantly.

8. Networking Opportunities: A strong alumni network and connections with industry professionals can boost your post-bootcamp job prospects.

9. Financial Aid and Payment Options: Compare tuition fees and investigate if the bootcamp offers scholarships, payment plans, or income share agreements.  

10. Free Resources and Pre-work:​Some bootcamps offer free coding resources or pre-work to help you prepare for the program. Take advantage of these resources to assess your interest and aptitude.


1. Don't Rush: Take your time to research and compare bootcamps thoroughly. Avoid making a hasty decision that you may regret later.

2. Don't Overlook Job Support: A bootcamp's job placement assistance is crucial, especially if your primary goal is to transition into a new career.

3. Don't Ignore Alumni Feedback: Reach out to alumni to gain insights into their experiences and outcomes if the bootcamp has some history. Their perspectives can be invaluable.

4. Don't Fall for High Paying Job Guarantees: Be cautious of bootcamps that promise unrealistic salary guarantees. Verify the accuracy of such claims.

5. Don't Assume Bootcamp = Instant Success: Keep in mind that a coding bootcamp is an intensive learning experience, but your success will also depend on your dedication and commitment.

By following these do's and don'ts, you'll be better equipped to choose a coding bootcamp that fits your needs, provides a quality education, and propels you towards a successful career in coding or technology.

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Looking for genuine coding boot camp with real time knowledge, feel free to call us, take a demo or apply now for upcoming cohorts.

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