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UI/UX Designer Program

Most comprehensive UI UX designer program-ui ux internship. Get prepared to be the next workforce, learn from leading Industry's Coding Experts.

ui/ux designer
Education for everyone

Online Coaching Lessons For Remote Learning.

Why CodeExperts?

We are on a mission to train each and every individual who is foraying into the world of IT. It’s always very great if there is an additional hand to walk you through when you launch yourself into any given domain. And technical Software Enterprise domain is a very in depth and expanding domain. Hence our mentorship will definitely lead you to a successful career pathway. Some of our team members are dealing IT for the last 2 decades and has immense knowledge about the evolution of the domain. Our in depth class room training with planned lab exercises should be our primary quality ontop of our real time project development process.

Flexible Learning

Learn at your own pace and efforts but we still want you to understand the significance of each day and achieve the milestones given in the class room. Accomplish your lab exercises on time as delivered in the classroom. Eventually by the end of the 20 th week of the program start writing your own complex Enterprise level code to prepare yourself to crack your first technical interview. Learn while you continue to work in case if you are working already in a different domain or industry.

100% Assured Successful Process

With over 90% of our trained talent has been landing excellent roles in very known multinational companies. This 6 months journey with Cloud Experts will definitely lead you to a lucrative career path. And we will definitely stand with you and make sure you are not alone in this process. We assure you that this 6 months program shall put in to the meatier roles in IT, such as Full Stack Web Developer Role, C# Developer, .Net Developer, Front end developer, or DevOps Engineer roles to name a few.

What Is UX/UI?

Eye catchy design goes beyond impressive creativity. Web technology has evolved over the years and respectively the demand for the UX/UI designers has multiplied to great expectations. 

We all know the world relies on the web and majority of the businesses function on the web. And this intern has increased the demand of UI UX designers. 

And at Code Experts you’ll learn the art of using cutting edge technologies to create some most modern User interfaces. 

What is the Role UI & UX Designer expected to perform?

UX designers are basically the creators of the user interfaces using cutting edge technologies keeping the colors and design of the brand they work on. 

Mostly the majority of the acclaim of the success of the website is basically taken away by the designers for the look and feel of a website or a iOS or Android apps. Since the user interacts with the website not the backend code. So is the reason UX developers are very important team members of a project.

What are technologies and skills I will learn to become a UI UX designers?

UI UX designers basically work multiple different design technologies such as 

HTML, JS, CSS, Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap, React, Angular, TypeScript and etc. 

Some of these skills are specific to the world of UI/UX, while others are more general. Chances are you already have skills that will transfer into a new career in UX design. 

And designers are also expected to be masters of Prototyping, wireframing, user flows, mockups.

What is the salary range for UI & UX Designers?

Salaries for UI/UX developers range from $75,000 to $115,000. On an average the annual base pay for UX developers is around $90,000.

100% Assured UX designer Career Services:

Our career support team will prepare you for UX Designer interview questions, interview cracking tips, resume building and assure you 100% for the UX designer jobs. Our Sales team will rigorously work one on one until you land a job before completion of the 6 months program.

Who can be part of UI UX designer program?

Anyone who is fascinated with the user interface design and believe in their creativity can easily master the art of being a successful industry UX developer. At Code Experts we use very trend setting modern tools to train our Alumni’s in excelling the nuance of modern and trendy User Interfaces. 
To become a UX designer, one needs to experience with UX design, graphic design, market research, and psychology, among other skills. While many UX designers start out in web design or development, anyone in a related field can acquire the skills needed to become a UX designer.

Is it complex learning UI/UX skills?

UI &  UX designers are not expected to know any programming skills doesn’t have to be a coding experts, they are expected to have have basic HTML and CSS skills and should be able to design crispy and very good looking user interface using the tools of the technology they are using.

It’s very important because as you'll most likely be testing and continuously updating website look and feel features at a fast pace, and should be able to manage it without developers intervention.

How many hours do I need to spend to master UI/UX skills?

On an average one is expected to spend at least 4-6 hours daily to simplify the process of mastering the UI/UX art and work for a enterprise company. At Code Experts  the UI/UX boot camp is designed comprehensively to teach the skills required to learning about the complete project development process keeping UI/UX as the key skills. We believe in working with all the project stake holders in their modules to understand how a complete project is basically developed.

How do I land a Job in 24 weeks?

Code Experts has practically divided the 24 weeks boot camp journey very wisely. After learning the required tools and skills to be UI & UX designer in first 16 weeks our backend team will start developing each Alumni resumes. And intern our Sales team will work with your clients and share the respective profiles based on the requirements and demands of the client projects. 

Do I get to work in a Real Time Project?

Yes each Alumnus is going to be part of real time projects which are in house or client specific ones.

The subject learnt in the class rooms will be used to write some meaningful code to accomplish a real time application. Where in all the SDLC steps will be used to deliver the application to any given cloud and will be demonstrated with a complete execution flow. Each group of folks part of a module will be accomplishing their responsibilities and accumulate the project code in Github. And the same will be used in the CI/CD pipelines to deploy into a cloud server.

What are the Prerequisites to be part of this program?

What should be my qualifications?

You have to be atleast a High School graduate to be part of any of the Code Experts  program.

What kind of Hardware I need?

You need to have atleast a I5 or I7 laptop with Windows 10 OS configured. Remaining other tools will be installed in the verge of the course.

Can CodeExperts provide the required Hardware?

Yes Code Experts Hardware team can help you with a completely configured Hardware. You need to contact the Course Admins for more details.

Do I need to leave my Job to join this program?

No you will continue work and can join any Code Experts program based your schedule. All Code Expert programs are delivered both in the morning and evening schedules.

Will I get a Certificate after completion of this Course?

Yes Code Experts will provide a UI/UX Certificate after the course successful completion.

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Average Salaries in 2022-2023
UI/UX Designer Program

Salary $ 80235 / Year
Platform Name Glassdoor
Platform URL Go To Url
Module I:

Introduction To User Experience

    • Design Thinking
    • User centered design principles
    • Starting an UX student project
    • Role, Requirement & ROI
    • Feature prioritization
    • Process models:-
      1. Waterfall Process model
      3. Agile Process model
      5. Scrum Process model
    Module II: Research


      • User experience research techniques
      • User personas
      • Creating scenarios
      • Empathy mappingStakeholder interview
      • User stories
      • User interviews / observation
      • Affinity mapping
      • Conducting surveys
      • Deconstructing an app/site
    Module III:


      • Competitor analysis
      • User centered analysis
      • Data analysis
      • Heuristic analysis
      • Task flow evaluation
      • Attributes, Goals, Perspectives & Pain points
      • Google analytics
      • Human computer interaction
    Module IV:

    Design strategy

      • Intuitive & Persuasive designing
      • Design user flows | user journeys
      • Entry points
      • Effective content strategy
      • Low fidelity sketching
      • Paper prototype
      • Site maps | Process diagrams
      • Information Architecture
      • Navigational models
      • Mental models
      • Early usability testing
    Module V :

    Sketching, Wireframe & Prototype

      • Customer experience framework
      • Low fidelity models
      • High fidelity models
      • Workflows
      • Prototype © Web, Mobile & Tablet
      • Interactive prototype
      • Rapid prototyping © Sprint
      • Error handling
      • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
      • Tools
        1. Axure
        2. Balsamiq
        3. Invision
    Module VI:


      • Usability testing
      • Remote usability testing
      • Task grids
      • Feedback analysis
      • Reiterate

    Technologies You Will Master Hands-On





    Cloud Deployment

    Cloud Deployment



















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    I was very new to Technical world and when I decided to start my software career. Code Experts has given wings to me to simplify the process of landing a very excellent role as a UI/UX developer. I will always cherish my journey with Code Experts.

    Ahtesham Mohd

    You guys really rock Code Experts team! I recommend Code Experts to all those folks out there who are planning to launch themselves into the world of technology. All the programs are so well designed and can help any novice developers. Go for it guys!!!

    Chris Reed

    I was part of a Full Stack Asp.Net Developer Program and I completely cherish my journey with Code Experts. The program was so well designed and developed and helped me land into a very excellent role in a multinational company in Austin. I am very thankful to the entire Code Experts teams.

    Rita Gunang
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